Acoustic Ruler Pro App Reviews

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Cool theory but no practical use


Macht Laune


Totaler Müll


Tolle Sache

Works amazingly well

Tried various distances up to 5 meters and down to a few cm, the app has been accurate to at least one cm and has worked every time. Great stuff, this is what I call innovation.

No impressive.

Failed to measure anything over a foot and change (in single devise mode). Also kind of awkward to use. In any case its a cool little toy for about 5 minutes until you realize how unhelpful it actually is. At least it was only a buck.

Useless. Dont buy.

It measured the width of my MacBook Pro as 50 cm. The actual width is 39.3 cm. A useless gimmick.

Dont work

Waste of time and money, try it 10 minutes in the garage, living room and it never show the right mesures, concept is cool but it need major update.

Works great!

I use it fairly often to measure distances. Its pretty reliable and works as well as a tape measure for short distances!

Works great

It accurately measured something with it. Only difficulties are that you NEED headphones, even on the iPhone, and it is extremely hard to figure out. Tip for people who cant figure it out. It measures from microphone to speaker. In single device mode it measures from your left headphone to your headphone or iDevice mic. In dual mode it measures between devices. Note that it MUST be calibrated or else it will not work. Calibration sets the 0.0 point which needs to be set properly. Also you have to align it properly (shouldnt be a problem).


Measures from microphone to speaker and NEEDs headphones for 1 iPhone use. Distance to be measured is limited by how far you can separate speaker/mic on your headset. Longer distances need 2 iPhones/iPod touches.

Great App!!!!

What a useful tool. Works very well, and well worth buying. I highly recommend this App to everyone!!!


Dont waste yr money

Great app, reasonably accurate!

This cant come close to replacing a tape measure obviously, but its still fun and not bad for estimating.

Thank you!

Very interesting soft. It was surprised.


英語表記でわかりにくかったですが、図に描かれている通りにしてみました。 まず、「Single Device Operation」モードで「L(電子音が流れる)」のイヤホンをマイクにくっ付けて基準値を設定。その後、「L」側とマイクの距離が表示されます。 私の場合、少し誤差が出たのですが、こんなものなのだろうと思いしばらく使っていました。しかし、画面の下に気温を設定するバーがある事に気付き設定。すると、驚く事に誤差がほぼなくなりました。 iPod touchがあったので「Dual Device Operation」モードにも挑戦。音でそれぞれを認識するのでBluetooth接続等の面倒な設定は必要ありませんでした。「Master Mode(メインとなり、距離が表示される側)」と「ReFlector Mode」をそれぞれに設定し、iPhoneとiPod touchのお尻同士をくっ付けて基準値を設定。その後は「ReFlector Mode」の側を測り始めたい場所に置き、「Master Mode」側で(Measure)を押すと測定されます。 メジャーを横に並べて比べましたが、2.5mの距離でも気温の設定が合っていれば5mmも誤差はありませんでした。 十分使えます。あと、音量が小さいと届きにくいですので測る前に大きくした方がいいです(設定があまりに小さいと親切にもポップが出て来ますが)。


It is very good




Funziona davvero e anche bene!

Waste of money

Just works in the Demo video!

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